There is no argument over the link between physical and psychological wellbeing. Anyone who has had a chronic or acute injury can tell you that the impact on their mental health was not a positive one. Unfortunately, psychological pain can also have an impact on a person physical well being; affecting their sleep, digestion, cause headaches, decreased concentration and affect the persons overall function as a human being. This creates a vicious cycle of the two feeding off of one another, and can lead to the development of clinical psychological conditions such as depression. In the past, there has been a stigma around mood disorders and depression, but thankfully with increased understanding and education, society is more open and accepting of the recognition and treatment of these disorders.
There is a great deal of controversy when professionals discuss depression. It can be caused by brain injury, head or neck trauma, psychological trauma, a chemical imbalance…and the list goes on. Often, we cannot pinpoint the cause of someon’s depression as it may be a combination of factors and therefore the treatment process can be long and challenging. Each practitioner, regardless of their background will have their own view on the best course of action for treatment of an individual who is suffering. However, all practitioners will agree that there is still a lot unknown about a disease that effects many Australians, that there is not one specific cause of depression, and that treatment and recovery from this condition will incorporate a number or different treatment techniques/approaches.
So where does Chiropractic fall in the treatment spectrum?
Improving your nervous system function with chiropractic adjustments will allow your body to function at its best. This can offer a number of benefits; an improvement in sleep, increased energy levels and body function, decrease in pain, improved concentration and brain function; all of which can have an impact on mood disorders. Whilst some may argue that chiropractic cannot treat depression, there is no argument that chiropractic techniques can improve these depressive symptoms, thus having a positive impact on the person overall well being. Combining chiropractic adjustments with healthy eating, getting into a regular routine and good dose of social interaction will assist you in improving how you feel.
If you or someone you love is suffering from depression, we encourage you to incorporate chiropractic in your treatment plan. Contact Walkerville Chiropractic and let our caring, experience staff be part of your healing journey.