Sports injuries, today are not just limited to professional athletes or boys who participate in school sports programs. Today, a large number of people of both sexes and all ages are regularly participating in sports and fitness activities. Regrettably, risk of injury is always a possibility with any sports activity.
Nearly all of injuries generally fit into two groups: 1) traumatic injury, such as a slip, fall, or collision and, 2) repetitive stress or overuse injury.
Traumatic injuries create the debilitating problems often associated with trauma. A high percentage of traumatic injuries are to the ligaments, the tissue that connects bone to bone, and to body muscles, although fractures and dislocations do happen at times, in particular with contact sports. Damage to a ligament is called a sprain, while trauma to a muscle or its tendon is a strain. The most frequent places for these types of injuries are the ankles, knees, and shoulders, nevertheless other areas can be affected including the low back and neck. Because the spinal cord and/or spinal nerves can be harmed, injury to the neck and low back can be extremely serious.
It is important to get the injury properly evaluated by a chiropractor, or other competent health professional, to ascertain the amount of damage. Nearly all of these injuries can recover, although they do need knowledgeable treatment during the various stages of healing. If not carefully monitored and treated, a sprain or strain injury can result in long-lasting joint instability, painful or weak joints and muscles, and lack of mobility. A chiropractor that is trained in the treatment of sports injuries can give expert advice and management you’ll need to insure that your injury will recover in the best possible way. Call your chiropractor if you have sustained a traumatic injury.
Overuse or Repetitive Strain injuries are becoming more prevalent, especially among individuals going out for sports such as golf, tennis, bowling, and any other activity that necessitates the same movement over and over (repetitively). An activity as uncomplex and healthy as running, especially on a treadmill, can also be a factor.
Repetitious activity can frequently create a very slight strain to tissues, expressly tendons and muscles. But, it is the accumulative effects of the repetition that causes the more serious problem. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is one of the most common types of overuse injuries. Over time the muscle or other affected tissue develops changes that no longer allow it to function correctly, resulting in pain, stiffness and disability.
If you’ve been injured, it is crucial to seek out an experienced professional, like a chiropractor, to diagnose the nature of the injury and design a plan of care. If left untreated, an injury will not only prohibit someone from participating in a favourite activity, but can significantly affect someone’s life in general. Treatment such as joint manipulation, massage, bracing, and specific exercises is often required to stabilize the condition. A chiropractor is your best source of help. Call a chiropractor if you’re either thinking of beginning a new activity, you’re feeling pain related to a current sports activity, or you’ve sustained a sports injury. Your Chiropractor has years of experience helping people just like you.
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Brantingham JW, Cassa TK, Bonnefin D, Jensen M, Globe G, Hicks M, Korporaal C. Manipulative therapy for shoulder pain and disorders: expansion of a systematic review. J Manipulative PhysiolTher. 2011 Jun;34(5):314-46.
Hoskins W, Pollard H. The effect of a sports chiropractic manual therapy intervention on the prevention of back pain, hamstring and lower limb injuries in semi-elite Australian Rules footballers: a randomized controlled trial. BMC MusculoskeletDisord. 2010 Apr 8;11:64.
Loudon JK, Reiman MP, Sylvain J. The efficacy of manual joint mobilisation/manipulation in treatment of lateral ankle sprains: a systematic review. Br J Sports Med. 2014 Mar;48(5):365-70.
Henry Pollard, Wayne Hoskins, Andrew McHardy, Rod Bonello, Peter Garbutt, Mike Swain, George Dragasevic, Mario Pribicevic and Andrew Vitiello. Australian chiropractic sports medicine: half way there or living on a prayer? Chiropractic & Osteopathy 2007 15:14.
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Grant Talmage, Charmaine Korporaal, and James W. Brantingham. An exploratory mixed-method study to determine factors that may affect satisfaction levels of athletes receiving chiropractic care in a non clinic setting. J Chiropr Med. 2009 Jun; 8(2): 62–71.